Swap Assets at Pearl's Exchange
Pearl provides a platform to trade tokenized RWAs and other premium digital assets with low slippage and minimal fees.
Slippage is the difference between the current market price of an asset and the price at which the actual trade (transaction) is executed. Slippage becomes an issue when the user receives a significantly smaller amount (higher price paid) of the desired token in a trade.
Pearl uses the same hybrid swap engine seen in the latest wave of Solidly-style DEXs. Our swap algorithm varies depending on how closely correlated the price of our pooled assets are to one another.
sAMM: For strongly correlated pairs i.e. $USDR
and $USDC
and $USDC
Swap fee: 0.04%
This type of pool is designed specifically for assets that are expected to consistently trade at near parity, such as different varieties of stablecoins or synthetics. Traders enjoy tighter spreads and lower price impact i.e. less slippage. Compared to the vAMM model, the sAMM model allows a greater imbalance between two assets in the pool before users encounter a significant price impact. These pools allow for larger trades and require less liquidity to work efficiently. The stable curve used by Pearl Exchange is a more efficient implementation of the stable swap than found on other DEXs.
Stable pools on Pearl use a contract derived from the Solidly algorithm, providing near-zero slippage through innovative swap model:
Where x is the amount of token A in a liquidity pool, y is the amount of token B in a liquidity pool and k is the product which must remain constant.
vAMM: For assets with low price correlation i.e $PEARL
and $USDR
and $USDR
Swap fee: 0.18%
The Uniswap v2 pool for volatile assets has become the default across DeFi for trading assets with low price correlation. In this volatile 50/50 liquidity pool, each token within the pair will an equal weight in dollar value.
On Pearl, we use this now famous Uniswap v2 swap algorithm:
With x, y, and k being the same variables as above.
Last updated